Friday, December 15, 2006

paper or plastic...?

how about neither?

millions of plastic bags are consumed each year... and what's the point? they just end up cluttering some corner of your kitchen until you finally toss them out...

after a slap alongside the head and a "DUH!" from a friend, i found some *great* bags at

the chicobag on the left stuffs into a little sack that fits into a purse or glove compartment (great for those quick stops at the store on the way home), and the big bags on the right are ideal for bigger shopping expeditions.

word of caution: bagboys(gals), even at places like wild oats, will be perplexed. you gotta jump in there and tell them.

and, if you're a "bring your sammich to work" kinda folk (or, like me, have kids), these reuseable sandwich bags are a perfect replacement for those wasteful plastic bags! (don't know why the sammich below looks so gross :)

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