Monday, February 5, 2007

shower your valentine with... pesticides?

so... you plan to shower your valentine with roses this year? if so, you may have to give her a hazmat suit, as well.

according to consumer report's, "In an effort to grow aesthetically perfect flowers, growers depend on the intensive use of pesticides. In fact, more pesticides are used on a per-acre basis to grow flowers than any other agricultural product. There is also an incentive for growers in international countries—where the majority of imported roses originate—to increase pesticide use as shipments into the U.S. can be rejected due to infestations. Since non-edible products imported into the U.S. are not regulated for pesticide residues, any type or amount can be present on flowers sold here. Hazardous pesticides used on roses include possible carcinogens, such as paraquat, and neurotoxins, such as chlorpyrifos."


thankfully, there is a growing number of companies/farmers providing safe, beauitful options, "green roses," if you will. You can find a them, as well as what labels to look for at your local florist, here.

love in the air is a good thing... pesticides... not so much.

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