Wednesday, January 10, 2007

local produce

truth be told, i expected this whole "buying local-grown produce in '07" idea was going to end up being a big, old pain in the butt. sure, i've been to plenty of farmer's markets before, but usually just for kicks... not as the primary source of all my fruits, veggies, etc for the week. it takes planning... not to mention some flexibility... but after walking up and down past the stalls a few times, i figured it out pretty quick.

and DAMN if there isn't some amazing produce (if you can get your hands on some blood oranges, you'll be doin' yourself a fav) at prices WAY better than any grocery store... not to mention that...

1. you're supporting your local economy and area farmers...

2. you're helping to reduce the amount of crap put into the air by reducing product transportation..


3. no crappy pesiticides!

local harvest is a great place to find your local farmer's market, co-op, restaurant that serves local-grown... you name it!

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