Monday, January 1, 2007

wal-mart going solar?

according to joel makower, wal-mart has put out an rfp to put solar panels on stores in five states (with little to no cost for the company, itself), which makes this either an historic, long-term plan for the company to de-vilify itself or a never-to-see-the-light-of-day (no pun intended) stunt.

not to be a negative nancy (nor a new year scrooge), but i'm not holding my breath over it - and, to be honest, this won't change my mind about the company, anyway...

hey wal-mart, you wanna NOT be the a-hole everyone thinks you are? how about you take a shot at fixing your sweat-shop, discriminatory, bullying, supplier-killing tactics?

oopie... did i say that out loud?

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