Tuesday, January 30, 2007


ok. i know i'm a dork... but i finally broke down and ordered a *real* composter. (i've been using a homemade composter for about a year and figured it's finally something i'm going to stick to ... no pun intended!)

these tumblers are great! they don't take up a lot of space and they certainly alleviate the HASSLE of turning your compost yourself. just give it a spin and -- VOILA --compost!

try it. you'll be amazed at how easy it is and how much less garbage you create!

Friday, January 26, 2007

throw-away fashion

interesting story in yesterday's new york times about "fast fashion"... you know, the cheap-o t-shirts, pants and such that line the shelves at target, old navy and other retailers... these clothes are pretty much designed to fall apart, which -- with the chemicals and emissions involved in manufacturing, transporting and washing these items -- puts a heavy burden on the environment.

and, as much as i hate to admit it, i'm guilty as hell... not necessarily with my own wardrobe (ask my hubby, i never throw anything away! :)... but, like oodles of other parents out there, i don't want to spend a bunch of money on something my daughter will grow out of in a few months... so i hit target, etc for her school uniforms and play clothes and donate them (if they're pass-on-able, which they usually aren't) after one of her many growth spurts...

i'm not sure what the takeaway is for this, other than hoping that the textile industry, as well as retailers, really are looking into alternatives to "fast fashions"... and, when/if they do, i need to be willing to spend a little more...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

quit rubbin' your butt with our forests

ok... so it's not breaking news that our forests have long been under seige so that our tender tushies and button noses have something soft to rub up against... what is new(ish) is the expanding choices we have that can make our forests safe(r) and our heinies happy!

if you're feeling like this is a lost cause, think of it this way...

facial tissue
if every household in the United States replaced just one box of virgin fiber facial tissues (175 sheets) with 100% recycled ones, we could save 163,000 trees.

toilet paper
if every household in the United States replaced just one roll of virgin fiber toilet paper (500 sheets) with 100% recycled ones, we could save 423,900 trees.

paper towels
if every household in the United States replaced just one roll of virgin fiber paper towels (70 sheets) with 100% recycled ones, we could save 544,000 trees.

if every household in the United States replaced just one package of virgin fiber napkins (250 count) with 100% recycled ones, we could save 1 million trees.

so what can you do? i'm so glad you asked!

the natural resources defense council has a few suggestions...

1. buy paper products with recycled content -- especially post-consumer fibers.
2. buy paper products made with clean, safe processes.
3. tell tissue manufacturers to stop using virgin wood for throwaway products. (you can send kimberly clark a shout-out on the subject!)

while the nrdc site has full lists of the best (and worst) paper products, it also has a handy wallet card that provides an on-the-go guide.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

bush to go green tonight?

in what might possibly be the most pathetic, last-minute attempt to raise his DISMAL approval rating, G-dumb is "reportedly" going to emphasize domestic issues in tonight's state of the union address... including a sudden emphasis on climate change.

does he truly think we'll be distracted from the snafus he's created abroad and at home with some empty promises regarding a move to biofuels? as if! no doubt he's assured his "interested parties" that it's all just the ill-formed ruse we know it is.

is he hoping this new congress will stand up and cheer and sing his praises? hot damn, even in the name of presidential courtesy, i hope not...

i'd love to finally find out what one hand clapping sounds like...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

love your lips (and the earth, too!)

thanks to shel for this...

canadian cosmetics company cargo has launched plantlove, the first lipstick with completely eco-friendly packaging... the lipstick tube is made from polyactic acid (corn-based and renewable within 100 days), rather than petroleum-based plastics.

on top of it, the outer packaging is a biodegradable box embedded with wildflower seeds... just moisten with water and plant!

currently available online-only, retail distribution is planned for next month... 12 colors are available, and the $20 price tag is really quite resonable...

LOVE it!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

someone turn the heat down!

thanks to treehugger for this...

well, a few weeks ago, the dept. of interior finally pulled its head out and put out a proposal to list polar bears as a threatened under the endangered species act ... gee, i wonder what convinced them? was it the reports of polar bear drownings or was it the cannibalism? regardless, this proposal means the US government is on the record as recognizing the bears' quickly diminishing habitat and eco-devastation of climate change.

anyhoo, da fishie and other assorted wildlife service has opened a 90-day period for public comment so here's your chance to do something!

these orgs have set up action pages where you can simply put your name to a pre-written letter or write up a little ditty of your own...

environmental defense
environmental action
defenders of wildlife

it'll only take a minute or two... besides, how much coca-cola can one sad, lonely, emaciated polar bear sell?

Photo courtesy of Greenpeace

Friday, January 12, 2007

the nice before the storm?

interesting little piece today about mccain and obama partnering up with alf's dad... whoops, i mean lieberman... to push a bill the would require mandatory caps on emissions from power plants and refineries...

while this monkey girl is all over the idea (assuming there aren't any nasty little "attachments" to the bill that negate its eco-effectiveness), this is one of those things that make you go "hmmmmm?"

now have i gone crazy (resist low-hanging fruit) or were these two bickering like two high school girls fighting over a prom dress less than a year ago? and, as the two have an extremely high chance of ending up going tete-a-tete in '08, the idea of bipartisanship seems a little far-fetched. (actually, if you count alf's poppie, tripartisanship... but, really, at this point, lieberman's just hoping to get one of them to make him a VP candidate... "hey... hey.. guys! wait up!")

maybe i'm just cynical, but does anyone else get the hinky this is the "nice" before the storm...?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

local produce

truth be told, i expected this whole "buying local-grown produce in '07" idea was going to end up being a big, old pain in the butt. sure, i've been to plenty of farmer's markets before, but usually just for kicks... not as the primary source of all my fruits, veggies, etc for the week. it takes planning... not to mention some flexibility... but after walking up and down past the stalls a few times, i figured it out pretty quick.

and DAMN if there isn't some amazing produce (if you can get your hands on some blood oranges, you'll be doin' yourself a fav) at prices WAY better than any grocery store... not to mention that...

1. you're supporting your local economy and area farmers...

2. you're helping to reduce the amount of crap put into the air by reducing product transportation..


3. no crappy pesiticides!

local harvest is a great place to find your local farmer's market, co-op, restaurant that serves local-grown... you name it!

Monday, January 8, 2007

you're fat... and so is your dog...

ok. generally, i've been trying to steer clear of making sweeping judgments, but this is just killing me...

not only are we an obscenely fat society... but we've managed to make our furry family members fat, too... you might think a chubby puppy is funny or kinda cute... and, while it's great to see how happy and excited they get when you give 'em treats... there's nothing endearing about giving your best pal diabetes or heart failure...

but that's not really what's annoying me... it's the lazy, instant-gratification, non-responsible solution for canine obesity that's perking up these puppy-lovin' ears o'mine...

god forbid, people -- i don't know -- get off their lazy asses to take their their canine counterparts for a W-A-L-K... oh no... we have a much better idea... let's put em on doggie diet drugs...

and i don't even want to think of the extensive animal testing that had to occur for this "breakthrough"... ugh.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

racing for a cure

Hi there!

I'm participating in the Susan. G. Komen LA Race for the Cure February 25, 2007, at the Rose Bowl , in honor of my step-mom, who -- unlike many who are less fortunate -- is a breast cancer survivor. This national nonprofit, with chapters all over the U.S., works to educate and provide funds for research into breast cancer.

I've created my own Personal Donation Page where you can make a donation of any amount (every penny counts!).

And, if you're up for it, I'd love it if you would join my team and take a walk of your own -- the more the merrier, right? (Besides, the first round after the race is on me! :)

Simply follow this link or you can visit www.komenla2006.kintera.org and then click the "Donate to a Participant" link (left side) and search for my name.

If you'd like to join me, click on "Participant Registration" and join "team peacock!"

Thanks for all your support!


what's your footprint?

fairly interesting way to find out just how much you're mucking up momma earth.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

method (wo)man

whooooaaaa man!

i can't believe i haven't blathered on about this before... but i love method's line of products. while i haven't tried them all, the ones i have i'm -- well -- rather addicted to (especially the hand wash!).

anyhoo, not only does their stuff smell yummy as a baby's freshly powdered bee-hind (yes, i know that's a no-no nowadays, but didn't those little booties smell wonderful?), BUT this company is environmentally conscious, using biodegradable, non-toxic ingredients; recyclable packaging; refills (which i dig); and, to top it off, NO animal testing.

methinks my boat is a floatin'

Monday, January 1, 2007

wal-mart going solar?

according to joel makower, wal-mart has put out an rfp to put solar panels on stores in five states (with little to no cost for the company, itself), which makes this either an historic, long-term plan for the company to de-vilify itself or a never-to-see-the-light-of-day (no pun intended) stunt.

not to be a negative nancy (nor a new year scrooge), but i'm not holding my breath over it - and, to be honest, this won't change my mind about the company, anyway...

hey wal-mart, you wanna NOT be the a-hole everyone thinks you are? how about you take a shot at fixing your sweat-shop, discriminatory, bullying, supplier-killing tactics?

oopie... did i say that out loud?